Friday, August 11, 2006

[LIF] Reading Schedule

Summer is almost done and soon I will have a new required list of reading. The schedule I set in July is still my intention, but I am pretty sure I will only get through about half of them, if that! I took Otto and Ricoeur/LaCoque with me on holidays and read a bit of Thinking Biblically, really enjoyable but after the first two chapters it is really Ricoeur interacting with LaCoque (instead of the back and forth of the first articles). I am almost done Volf's Exclusion and Embrace and am still very impressed. I added Thus Spoke Zarathustra to the mix, a very fun book. And of course I always try to find a moment each week to sneak in a bit of The Crucified God. Nouwen is almost finished, I think if I ever do a course that is an intro to the Eucharist that is the book I will have them read (With Burning Hearts) it isn't a theological text but introduces the mystagogy of the Eucharist quite handily. Of all the books I've bought recently, and many are tempting me from my bookshelves, I think Naturally Supernatural deserves a soon read, maybe after Otto. It is a book I've been anticipating for a long while now. I was hoping to get a copy of Wimber's The Way On but alas none to be had. I'll have to order it I guess. I might wait until in between semesters though as I know that will be an immediate read!

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