Monday, October 09, 2006

[THO] New Series on the Kingdom of God

I want to jot down some thoughts for my next series. Don't worry, I'm still working on the Worship series. But over and over this semester I am confronted with the theology of the Kingdom. So I want to deal with some of the key areas that are coming up.

Kingdom I - How shall we talk of the Kingdom of God

  • What are some of the problems with talking about the Kingdom of God as a contemporary Christian. How can we overcome some of the various problemmatic conclusions people make about the Kingdom langauge. I especially want to deal with the language of inbreaking. I'm likely doing a whole paper on this for my Ecclesiology course so this will be a good starting point for me.

  • Kingdom II - Kingdom Ecclesiology
  • I really need to explore the relationship between the Kingdom of God and the Church.

  • Kingdom III - Kingdom Ecology
  • Shane found resources in Pentecostal Pneumatology to address the ecological crisis, I think there are resources in Vineyard Kingdom theology to let us do the same.

  • Kingdom IV - Kingdom Ministry
  • Ok let's put this all together. When we talk about the Kingdom of God we are talking about a theology that undergirds everything we do as a Kingdom people. That is what I want to explore here.

  • Kingdom V - How shall we talk of the Kingdom of God
  • I think this is worth revisiting. In light of everything we explore I want to come back to our foundational problem - how we talk about the Kingdom of God. I have some suspicions* but I want to provide a space to sum up the discoveries.

  • If you have ideas that might get me thinking in any of these directions, please throw them my way.

    *Just to let you in on my biggest suspicion. I think the the language Kingdom of God will be better expressed as the Reign of God both in terms of faithfully representing the greek and avoiding some of the problems that evoking the language of Kingdom presents.

    1 comment:

    byron smith said...

    I vote for reign of God too. Except his reign isn't based on popular vote...