Monday, January 01, 2007

[THO] Happy New Year

Yeah, I tagged this correctly. I started the online day with a request for prayer from a dear friend who is supposed to be heading to Thailand. This is how I heard about the horrible New Years bombings there. My dear friend is still willing to go, and rightfully asked for prayer. His trip is to encourage several urban ministries in Bangkok and Phnom Phen. So I prayed my prayer in an email, sent him an encouragement, promising to keep this trip in prayer. He has left the decision in the hands of the trip coordinator, another godly man he trusts.

Then I read this post that Ben recommended on prayer. I was deeply encouraged. I'm sure you will be as well, no matter what the New Year has to bring your way.

Thanks Kim for the post on prayer. Godspeed Joseph and safety in Thailand if that is where you end up.

Have a prayerful New Year!


Anonymous said...

There were indeed bombings in Bangkok. But because we are very far away from the capital we didn't feel the terror that the people in Bangkok did. I knew it was pretty bad. The Prime Minister and religious leaders--Muslim, Christians and Hindus spoke on TV. The people were instructed to stop all the New Year parties and the PM halted the most awaited event in Bangkok, the countdown. But I think things are better now.

One of Freedom said...

Good to hear you were far away from that. My buddy did leave for Bangkok despite the travel advisary. I wrote my friends in Chang Mai and mentioned you to them, I haven't heard from them in a while. I saw your list of concerns and will be praying for you and your ministry.