Wednesday, January 17, 2007

[LIF] No Email!!!

For some reason I can't get my email from Sympatico, but my wife can??? I've tried all sorts of things, even going online and using their getmail programme. But no luck? It is a bit frustrating actually.

This week has been a bit crazy. I have friends going through rough times and we have mice in out basement. So far I've caught two of them. They made a big mess of our Christmas ornament boxes, we didn't notice until putting them away. And they got into some of Sharon's expensive cereal! (She has Celiac disease so everything costs more for her.) I bought six more traps, but talking to neighbours who also get them frequently, I'll probably only catch one or two more. I'm not too crazy about picking up dead mice, but at least they are just in the basement! Last time they got upstairs and left poo everywhere, what a mess to clean.

I think I just heard a snap!


Anonymous said...

Hey Frank,

I've been having some Sympatico issues too the last few days. I've been having to re-submit my password 4 or 5 times a day and I'm pretty sure I've missed a couple of e-mails as well.

Frustrating when you rely on it for business.

Good luck with the mice...been there lots of times and it's never pretty

Anonymous said...

I had problems since last night, same this morning - Outlook error message is email unavailable, try again later - or words to that effect. I phoned into 310-SMURF, and recording says they are having technical problems with POP server. Has happened before, this time I acted. My email all goes via my domain name so rather than forward all to my sympatico address it now all goes to my gmail account. I can still access via Outlook Express via POP (when Bell fixes it) and in the meantime can read all on Gmail. Plus, Gmail has a much larger mailbox size than Sympatico's Getmail does, so if I'm away a few days and get some big files my mailbox doesn't fill up in 2 days.

One of Freedom said...

Well I just spent too much time with their support people fixing my PPPoE problems??? But it is all up and running once again.