Monday, January 08, 2007

[LIF] Classes started today!

I began the day with the brilliant systematic theologian, John van den Hengel. I've taken Trinitarian theology from him in the past and he studied under Schillebeeckx. This is a course in Christology and from the first class I can say this will be one awesome ride! We are using NT Wright's The Challenge of Jesus as a sort of introduction, but once we've covered frameworks the real fun will begin. We get to test drive some of the prof's own work in Christology by using his to be released Figural Interpretation of Jesus. I'm a bit stoked. Prof. John remembered me and we had a warm greeting in the hall at break. He knows I'm a big fan of Moltmann and certainly Moltmann was present in the opening discussion!

Then the day got better as I hit Heather Eaton's Introduction to Liberation Theologies. She has a bit of a different take on it than other courses where I've studied Liberation Theology (Ken Melchin in the context of Grace and James Pambrun in the context of Christian Anthropology), in fact she spent time studying under Gutierrez in Peru! We are focusing less on a historical emergence and more on how Liberation Theology as a method is influencing other theologies, such as Feminist Theology. This is a small class of about 14 which will make for a great dynamic, plus a third of us were in a class on Ecology with Heather last semester. Good times!

After that I skipped over to the Ottawa U campus to find the English required course I've been putting off for six years! This one is on fiction and isn't too bad, literary criticism. I have just been avoiding it because it seems like a waste of time when I used to write for a living and am a straight A student. Oh well, we do what we have to. I have been telling myself to read some fiction, too bad I couldn't read my new Harry Potter novel for that class. But we do get to do some Poe which I used to love reading as a youth.

Tomorrow I'm up early for a course on Philosophical Hermeneutics. Should be fun.

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