Saturday, April 29, 2006

Home Work

If I keep it up, I’m bound to be fit by the end of the summer! (Ironic use of the passive voice is intentional)

We have a tonne of work to do. Gardens to build, topsoil to lay down, ground to grade, and the list goes on. This year we are doing major work on the outside of our home. We had an awesome flagstone patio and stairs installed last year. The gardens will give that a bit of privacy, but we already eat meals out there. I love watching people walking up the street. Just me and my girls enjoying the house God has blessed us with.

I spent all morning raking our lawn. I have a great thatching rake, which is easier in some ways, but harder in others. The hill in my backyard did not get a last mowing so it was rather long – like combing incredibly tangled hair! Boy are my legs tired – still.

We have a great concert coming up tomorrow. Andrew Smith! There are still tickets if you want to come (and are nearby). Just email me. I’ll post a report tomorrow after the concert. Maybe even a picture of the gardens when they are done later this month.

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