Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Cleaning My Office

It is more inspiring than it sounds.

I have not had a lot of time to blog here lately. That doesn't mean I'm not blogging. I've been a regular contributor to the National ThoughtWorks blog and have been setting up a new blog for a Superhero role playing game I'm running for my daughters (5 kids and 3 adults!). You can check out the blog for that one here. I'm encouraging the players to give me their background stories for the blog, but mostly I use it to post clues for possible adventure paths in the game.

Between prepping lectures (HTTP 1101: Trends in Western Thought), working on my thesis, being a dad, managing church related problems, and other writing projects this blog has fallen low on the priority list. I'll be back at it I'm sure, but for now you know where to find me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Was it the cleaning that took away your time from blogging then? I understand that. Blogging and cleaning; both will consume your time and force you to neglect the other. At least with the latter, you can have someone to do it. Bo @ HJSSupply.com