Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Gros cafe avec lait

OK so I walked into a Tim Hortons (yeah I know, horrible coffee but what are you going to do when you are travelling through some of the coffee deserts of Canada) and asked for a coffee with lots of milk. The polite clerk didn't understand me so I tried french for the first time in seriousness. Pardon moi mon francais est terrible, in fact I was almost sure it was non-existant. But as we were driving Sharon and I were trying to stumble through some French. I really need to learn French so this was a boost to my confidence when I clarified me order with "gross cafe avec lait". She smiled wide and said my french was very good - which obviously means you really suck but I appreciate your effort. Hey I felt good anyway.

[note I have even less clue as to how to spell anything in French, please excuse my butchering of the French language]

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