Monday, October 06, 2008

Sign on the Lawn

I was raised with no sign on the lawn, in fact politics was something you kept private. It would be unthinkable for my parents to discuss their voting choices let alone stick a sign on their front lawn. And while it has been a few years since I've realized that political discussion is healthy and good, and should be done openly, I've always wanted to, but resisted, putting up a sign on my front lawn. Not anymore.

This year I am proud to display my green disposition.

Now let me be clear, I would never think to tell my congregants or even the readers of my blog how to vote. But I'm sure going to tell you that I think you need to vote. I arrived at my choice through deep personal convictions regarding social justice, ecology and inclusion. For me that is embodied in the Green Party. But I have a lot of respect for folks who have been led by similar convictions to choose other parties to support.

What is really interesting to me is how good it makes me feel to be upfront about my political convictions. Partly because I'm doing politics where I think politics really needs to happen - right in the public space.


Steve said...

Good choice ;-)

One of Freedom said...

I know a lot of people are talking about strategic voting to try and ensure that Harper is indeed deposed, but I just can't play that way. Real change can only occur when folks begin to vote for who they really would like to see in power. I've been supporting the Greens with my vote for a while now, but now that we've broken the no-seat barrier, I am hopeful that this election will see more than a few Green MPs. Slow and stead wins the race.

BTW did you see Elizabeth in the debate? She was brilliant.

Steve said...

I hear you about the strategic voting. I got a call last night from this research group. They were asking me questions pertaining to the upcoming election. As far as their questions were concerned, there was only 3 parties in Ontario. I derailed him often when I refused to answer within his survey.
But a question that did come up was, "if it became obvious that Stephen Harper was going to win this election, would I cast a vote in Stephane Dion's direction to try to stop Harper from getting a majority".

Ultimately, we don't vote for our Prime Minister like they do in the States. So I thought the question was irrelevant. My buddy John at Raises some good points. In his opinion, we should be choosing from our candidates whomwe think will best serve our constituency. I see his point, but I believe that we also have to take into account the Ideology behind the party the candidate. Doesn't matter how great a candidate may seem, I can't see myself voting for the Nazi party, (atleast not at this point)

I didn't see the depate, but I heard that she did great. Some other friends refered to her as a Gronola Crunching Tree Hugger. What do you do ? ;-)
When you look into it. The Green Party is not only in Canada, many Europeen Countries have Green Parties and the Ideologies are the same. Can't wait to see the result of this election...

Ren said...

Way to keep it real, Pastor Dude. I never really apreciated my right to vote until I became a parent. But now it's a-parent (har har - get it?) that politics are really something that we as citizens who benefit from our government should be in the know about. I say this as a 21 year old finally seeing the light, so be gentle - hardly insightful on my part..but I guess at the end of the day, all that matters is my ability to get distracted easily, and the fact that for all your theology, Homestar Runner is still in your link index.

A-THANK YOU! shop girl.

One of Freedom said...

I took the plunge and joined my first political party.

Just putting my money where my mouth is.

Homestar rocks. I just recently discovered Little Britain. Soooo funny.